
火博体育很荣幸有两位杰出的校友入选了全州年度20位40岁以下杰出校友名单. 每年,国家和www.实施监察.com表彰了中部地区20位最优秀的年轻人. 这些获奖者通过他们的专业或志愿者和公民工作对火博体育的社会产生了影响. 许多人还克服了——或者正在克服——生活中的一些重大挑战.

丹尼尔Bethea-Brown 她于2005年获得哥伦比亚大学工商管理学士学位,目前是Lexington Medical Center的就业助理主任. Her community and professional highlights include being appointed to National Talent Acquisition at the American Red Cross at 27 years of age; standardized recruitment for American Red Cross Chapter Services, 2012; awarded “Lexy” at Lexington Medical Center for Best Efficiency, 2016; organized Lexington Medical Center’s first recruitment social and career fair with more than 750 applicants in attendance, 2017/2019; completed Lexington Medical Center’s 领导 Development Program, 2019; staffed the largest hospital expansion in South Carolina history, 2019; Talent Acquisition 领导 Keynotes Board Member, 2020; professional member of the Society for Human Resources Management and the South Carolina 健康care Human Resources Association; volunteer and donate to a host of organizations: ECPI Advisory Board, 莱克星顿医疗中心的希望之女, 希望工程, 知识武装的女人, 金氏儿童基金会, 费尔菲尔德郡的精英女士们, 青年成就, 以及超越语言舞蹈学院.

莎拉一. 福特

莎拉一. 福特 她于2004年获得火博体育官网历史和政治学文学学士学位,目前是南卡罗来纳州受害者援助网络的法律总监. 她的社区和专业亮点包括自2017年以来在南卡罗来纳州受害者援助网络担任法律总监, 领导一个律师和律师团队,为南卡罗来纳州的犯罪受害者提供直接的法律服务. 他是一名前检察官,专注于针对妇女和儿童的犯罪. 为美国而教, 2004; SC Bar Young Lawyers Division, Star of the Quarter; South Carolina Women Lawyers Association; South Carolina Bar House of Delegates, 2016-2018; past president of Junior Service League of Orangeburg; Catch the Vision 国际, Haiti mission team; 哥伦比亚大学 Alumnae Association; volunteer at The Cinderella Project, 奥兰治堡卡尔霍恩免费医疗诊所, 儿童玩具, 和奥兰治堡展示厅.


