
哥伦比亚,年代.C. - The Best College Reviews put 哥伦比亚大学 in the top 50 for Best Small Colleges in 2019.  The editors began with a pool of about 128 schools and narrowed based on certain criteria: student population less than 2,000, 15:1 student to 教师 ratio, and tuition less than $25,000.  The Best College Reviews editors then consulted the U.S. 新闻 and World Reports rankings to further narrow their pool of institutions.  哥伦比亚大学 was ranked in the top 20 by U.S. 新闻 and World Report for Best Value Schools back in September 2018. 


哥伦比亚大学 is the perfect example of everything a small college has to offer, from personalized academics to the tight-knit community, and even after graduation, the continued support of the Alumnae Office and 职业服务 Center.  Students truly find a home away from home.  哥伦比亚大学 President, Dr. Carol Moore emphasizes the continued commitment of the College to afford everyone not just a college education, but a liberal arts foundation paired with experiential learning opportunities that will encourage all graduates to have an impact on their communities now and in the future. 


Not every college student thrives at expansive universities with lecture halls filled with hundreds of 学生.  哥伦比亚大学 recognizes this and makes a conscious effort to keep the student to 教师 ratio low; first year 学生 won’t see a class larger than 15 学生.  This allows for one-on-one attention and a more personalized educational experience.  教师 and 学生 form lasting relationships that benefit 学生 academically and professionally.  Students will also build stronger bonds with classmates which increases academic success.


教室外, 学生, 教师, and 工作人员 can’t walk through campus without stopping for a conversation with one another.  Everyone knows each other and supports each other.  Student clubs and organizations are active and plentiful, but the 学生事务 team is always encouraging 学生 to start new clubs, 如果需要.  The Garden Club was started on campus this year and those 学生 have already formed a community partnership with long-time supporter Bonita Clemons, owner and operator of Rare Variety Café.  Ms. Clemons’ Café and patrons have reaped the benefits of the 哥伦比亚大学 garden in the short time is has been around. 


Once 学生 graduate, the College is still committed to their success.  Graduates do not just become a statistic in a view book.  The 哥伦比亚大学 Alumnae Associate has been around since 1882 and wants graduates to feel supported long after they leave the College.  The Alumnae office plans monthly events and meet-and-greets to continue strengthening the Alumnae network inside and outside the state of South Carolina.  In conjunction with the Alumnae office, the Career Service office supports all 哥伦比亚大学 graduates by encouraging them to reach out for assistance with updating resumes and cover letters, as well as finding employment. 


哥伦比亚大学 may be a small, private liberal arts college, 以女性为中心, but the relationships 教师, 工作人员, and 学生 build and sustain is unmatched by any major university.  Students are recognized, 授权, and encouraged to change the world at the start of their college career.  Once they graduate, they are still recognized, 授权, and encouraged to change the world.  Students are not a number.  They become part of the 哥伦比亚大学 family.


Class of 2018 Senior Chapel

